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Insurance Consulting Service:

In accordance with the provisions of Articles L521-1-I, L521-1-III, L521-2-II-b and L521-4-I of the Insurance Code, we inform you that we act in an honest, impartial and professional manner, in your best interests:

  • that we do not accept or make any arrangements in the form of remuneration, sales targets or otherwise which could encourage us (or our team members) to recommend a particular insurance product to you when we could offer you another insurance product which better meets your requirements and needs;

  • that given the number of Insurance Companies with which we work, we are not able to base our analysis on a sufficient number of insurance contracts offered on the market, but we nevertheless provide a recommendation service based on an impartial and personalized analysis so as to be able to recommend to you, based on professional criteria, the insurance contract(s) that would be best suited to your needs, among those that we will have negotiated for you with the Insurance Companies with which we work;

  • that we will specify to you in writing, on the basis of the information obtained from you, your requirements and needs and we will provide you with objective information on the proposed insurance product, in a comprehensible, accurate and non-misleading form in order to enable you to make a fully informed decision;

  • that we will advise you on an insurance contract which will be consistent with your requirements and needs and that we will specify the reasons which will motivate this advice;

  • that our personalized recommendation service consists of explaining to you why, among several insurance contracts or several options within a contract, one or more contracts or options best correspond to your requirements and needs. We will compare together the essential guarantees and exclusions of the contract with your requirements and needs and this test will highlight the level of adequacy of the contract with your needs. You may be required to accept certain total or partial inadequacies mentioned in the test. You will thus be able to decide to accept (or not) the offer that we have proposed to you.

Positionnement vis à vis des Entreprises d’Assurance :

In accordance with the provisions of article R521-1-II of the Insurance Code, we inform you here:

  • that our Company does not hold any direct or indirect interest in voting rights or capital of an Insurance Company

  • that no participation, direct or indirect, of the voting rights or capital of our Company is held by an Insurance Company or by the Parent Company of an Insurance Company

Relations with Insurance Companies
In accordance with the provisions of Article L521-2-II-1-b of the Insurance Code, we inform you:

  • that our Company is not subject to any contractual obligation to work exclusively with one or more Insurance Companies;

  • that we will be able to indicate to you, during the preliminary study that we will conduct for you, the identity of the Insurance Companies with which we work.

In accordance with the provisions of article L521-2-II-2-d of the Insurance Code, we inform you:

  • that we work on the basis of a commission paid to us by the Insurance Company, i.e. remuneration included in the insurance premium (proportional to the amount excluding tax on insurance agreements), as well as, where applicable, fees and costs which are added to the amount of said insurance premium.

Choice of Insurance Companies
In publications posted on its website on 20/02/2018 and 18/05/2018, the ACPR recalled that "each professional involved in an insurance distribution chain is responsible for selecting its partners, intermediaries or insurers, for its activity with the public in France."

We have taken care to select renowned, solid and sustainable insurance companies to provide the guarantees that we offer you:

  • For decades, they have had operational teams based in France, which are unanimously recognized for the high level of quality of their services;

  • To date, none of them have been the subject of an alert or sanction issued by the ACPR or by the Control Authority of the country of origin.

  • We are light years away from the short-lived insurance companies that have recently been known to fail. BTPassur has chosen not to work with companies operating under the Free Provision of Services scheme in France.

Product Governance
In accordance with the provisions of Article L516-1 of the Insurance Code, we participate in the validation/adaptation/development process of the insurance products of which we are co-designers and we enter into the appropriate systems with regard to the products that we distribute without having participated in their design.

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