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Moderne Interior Design urbain
Claim :

In accordance with the provisions of Articles L521-2 and R521-1-I of the Insurance Code, we inform you that in the event of a complaint, you must first contact your insurance advisor. If you are not satisfied with their response, you can use our complaints procedure by writing to: Customer Relations Service BTPassur128 impasse des Maladières01400 CHATILLON SUR CHALARONNE.

You can also send an email to our complaints department: .

We will acknowledge receipt within ten working days (unless we have been able to provide you with a response) and we will process your complaint within a maximum of two months thereafter.

We will keep you informed if due to special circumstances the processing time is extended.

In the event of persistent disagreement, and after exhausting internal remedies, you may then resort to our mediation process.


In accordance with the provisions of Articles L521-2 and R521-1-I of the Insurance Code, we inform you that since the services of the Insurance Mediator are reserved for individuals only, we have chosen to provide you with the services of an independent Professional Mediator free of charge.
In the event of a complaint, you must first contact your insurance advisor.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can use our complaints procedure.
In the event of persistent disagreement, and after exhausting internal remedies, you can then seek the advice of the independent Professional Mediator that we have chosen, by writing to:
Mr. BTPassur Mediator
c/o BTAssur
128 Maladières impasse

You can also send an email to the Mediator:

After being notified of the dispute, the Mediator collects the information necessary to investigate the case and issues an opinion within three months.

This notice is not binding on you or us and you retain the right to refer the matter to a court, after having exhausted the steps of mediation, conciliation and, failing that, a transaction.

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